Here’s What SEO Will Look Like In 2022


As the years go by, SEO has to adapt to new technologies and methods. Fortunately, there are a few changes we can all rest assured will be part of 2022’s SEO landscape. SEO consultants Melbourne will continue to be vigilant this year 2023 about the new trends. Here are just a few:

Zero-click searches

  • Zero-click searches. Google will be able to understand what you want before you even ask. You may have seen this in action with the recently released Google Duplex, which allows you to call restaurants and book reservations without having to speak a single word. This is just one example of how zero-click searches are becoming increasingly common, so that soon we’ll be able to look at something on our phones and automatically know whether it’s available or not.
  • Asking questions with your voice. While some may still be skeptical about this feature, saying things like “show me restaurants in Boston” will become commonplace in 2022 as people start using their voices more often with Google Assistant instead of typing out text search queries into their browsers or apps (even though typing remains popular).

The death of link building – and the rise of link earning

You know what link building is, but do you know what link earning is? The goal of link earning is to earn links that build trust and authority over time. Links are earned by doing things like creating valuable content, offering real value on your website, and participating in the community.

Link earning is a more natural way to build links than traditional SEO techniques like paid directories and links from low-quality websites. The best part? Link earning can be done long-term with little maintenance required!

Voice search will continue to gain popularity

As voice search continues to gain traction, the number of searches that are conducted verbally is expected to increase by about 30% every year. Voice search is more convenient than typing because it can be done hands-free and allows you to multitask while getting your information. People using voice devices are often in the car or otherwise engaged in other activities where they don’t have time to type their queries out on a keyboard. Voice search is also more accurate than typing because humans don’t always spell things correctly when typing them into a computer—we tend to make typos or incorrect guesses at what word we meant when using our fingers on a small keyboard (especially if we’re searching for something complicated like “how many calories are in an avocado?”). Finally, voice searches tend to be much more private than typed ones since there’s no record of them after they’re performed; this means that advertisers won’t know who has searched for what and use that information against their wishes

Google will keep refining its algorithm

In 2022, Google will continue to make changes to their algorithm. Google will also continue to refine their algorithm so that it can better distinguish between high-quality and low-quality content, which should help surface the best information online. In addition, they’ll likely add more factors into their system that will help them figure out what is relevant for any given search query.

Mobile optimization won’t be optional, it’ll be necessary

Mobile optimization won’t be optional, it’ll be necessary.

Mobile optimization has been a priority for years, but it’s only going to get more important in the future. In 2022, mobile-first design will be an absolute must if you want to win any SEO races. You can argue that responsive design is enough (and some people say this), but I don’t think that holds water: Responsive designs are still not optimized for each specific device and page format—they simply shrink the viewport when viewed on small screens. The reality is that unless you have a dedicated mobile site, your site isn’t mobile optimized at all; it’s just shrunken down for smaller screens with no consideration for what happens when users tap links or scroll through lists of products or read articles on their phones.

The cost of PPC will skyrocket

The cost of PPC will skyrocket.

The cost of PPC will be based on the quality of your content, website, and social media presence.

Dedicate yourself to these changes!

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and make sure that you’re still relevant in 2022, it’s time to start thinking about ways to change the way your business operates now.

Don’t just focus on the changes; instead, think about how they will impact your overall business model. Think about what kind of content you can create that will be valuable for people who come across your site through these new search engines. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new things!


Understanding these changes and how they will affect your business is crucial, but so is action. Start preparing now by learning the ins and outs of SEO, social media marketing and mobile optimization. Don’t waste time waiting for a new algorithm to roll out or a new technology to become mainstream – get on board now! Greg gillespie are aware about the new changes in google trends this coming 2023.

What You Should Know About The New Tool All Social Media Pros Are Talking About


The new Social Kit tool has been generating a lot of buzz in the social media world. It’s easy to see why, with so many amazing features that help you build a great media kit and make your Instagram photos look amazing. But what is Social Kit? And how can it help you build an instantly professional-looking site that will attract followers and drive traffic? Keep reading! Social media management agency encourage you to build your followers and create a contest for them.

It really is new.

Social Kit is a new tool, but it’s been in development for two years. It’s not just a media kit builder—it has so much more to offer.

Social Kit gives you the power and flexibility to create beautiful, modern-looking media kits that you can use on your own website or social media profiles, then share with anyone who’s interested in learning more about what you do. That includes prospective clients who’ve found your website through search engine optimization campaigns and other forms of digital marketing; it also includes journalists, editors and bloggers who want to learn more about your company before they write an article featuring you or recommend your products/services to their audience.

It’s a media kit builder.

What is it? It’s a media kit builder. A tool to help you create a professional looking media kit that is easy to update.

What can you do with it? You can use the tool to create your own branded Instagram or Facebook ad campaign, then use that template for future campaigns—or any other social media advertising purposes you have in mind (like LinkedIn and YouTube ads). The best part about this is that it saves time by making sure everything stays updated and consistent across all platforms (so no more “Oops” moments).

It gives you a modern style.

If you’re looking to upgrade your social media presence, this new tool is the perfect way to do it. The aesthetic of this tool is modern, clean and simple—a refreshing change from what some may call the “fancy” or “overly complicated” aesthetics of other tools. It’s easy to use and you can customize it however you want as well.

The best part? It’s free!

Your Instagram photos get a boost.

You can use this tool to make your Instagram photos look better. Your Instagram photos will get a boost because they’re automatically cropped and optimized, then uploaded to the cloud so you don’t have to do it yourself.

This tool also links your Instagram photos back to their corresponding page on your website or blog. This way, when someone shares one of your images on social media sites like Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, it shows up with a link back to where it was originally published (your site).

If you aren’t already using this site for all of your social media needs, now is the time! It takes seconds for someone who doesn’t know much about web design or coding languages.”

Your blog or website will look amazing.

What better way to showcase your portfolio than a media kit? With Canva, you can create a professional and stylish design for any type of media kit, whether it’s for your blog or website, business, brand, or client. The best part is that since this tool is so easy to use—even if you’re not an expert designer—you’ll be able to create an amazing design in no time at all.

You can use it the way you want to use it.

If you’re a small business owner or a social media manager, you probably already know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to tools. Each platform needs its own strategy, and every audience needs to be approached differently.

For example, if you’re creating an Instagram account for your company and want to get more likes on your posts, then Tailwind is perfect for you! If someone wants to start their own blog or website with lots of content on it, then WordPress could be the best option. The possibilities are endless with Tailwind since there are so many different ways people can use it…

The pro version has even MORE features.

While your free version will get you started, the pro version has even MORE features. If you’re serious about being a social media professional, then this tool is a must-have for your toolkit.

The Pro Version:

  • Has access to more than 200+ tools and services
  • Allows you to create unlimited campaigns and projects
  • Lets you collaborate with other users

Know the best of Social Kit, because you’ll want to be using it!

Social Kit is a media kit builder that gives you a modern style and an Instagram boost. It’s the perfect tool to use on your blog or website, or even just for posting on social media. You can choose from pre-made templates, like this one:

Or make your own template from scratch! It’s up to you how you want it to look and function because Social Kit is all about giving users freedom.


You’re probably wondering why I’m so passionate about this tool. I mean, we all have our favorite tools, right? It’s just another social media scheduling app, right? But there are a few things that make Social Kit different from its competitors – and they’re pretty exciting! So if you’ve been on the fence about trying out new technology or changing up your social strategy, now’s the time to jump off that ledge and dive into something new (and better). You’ll be glad you did! Find out what tech to use for social strategy.

The Art and Craft of Motion Picture Filmmaking

If you want to become a successful filmmaker, you should know the art and craft of filmmaking and consider also the use of tv storyboard. When most people think of film, they think of the final product, the feature or documentary that is shown in theaters or on television. However, there is a long process between concept and execution. I prepared this article for anyone who wants to learn more about the art and craft of filmmaking. As you read through the information, remember that much of it applies across media platforms.

There are two kinds of filmmakers: those who spend hours, months or years trying to get the right shot, and those who are willing to sacrifice quality for speed. The former group always ends up with a masterpiece. The latter group almost always ends up with something that can be re-cut in post-production.

Whether you’re a film student, professional, or enthusiast, it’s important to understand the basics of the craft. It doesn’t take away from your ability to have a unique style and invent new ways to film things – but it does mean that you’ll know when you’re doing something wrong.

It’s a noble ambition—to tell stories that are new and original, to present human experiences in vivid and unforgettable ways. And it’s an equally ambitious task—the creation of a motion picture.

The movie industry is international in scope, an art form in which creative minds from every continent come together to tell stories through the universal language of film: images, sound and music. There are no barriers here; the elements of filmmaking are understood around the world.

Aspiring filmmakers may begin their careers in many different ways: as directors of photography, editors, production designers or composers… or as screenwriters. But all must work together to create a fluid and seamless whole. There can be no true understanding of a story without an appreciation of cinematography, editing and music—and none of these can succeed without a brilliant screenplay at their core.

The art and craft of filmmaking are heavily dependent on each other. You cannot have one without the other, because technique is a part of art. In this blog post I will be focusing on the art of filmmaking and how it can be separated into three categories, which are the essentials of a story, writing, directing and acting.Film is a visual medium and is mostly about telling a story through pictures. Before production starts, stories are written and then sold to investors who provide money in order for the film to be produced. On set, everything is planned out methodically and with great detail by the director and crewmembers including the actors who not only interpret the characters but bring them to life as well..

During production editing begins where editors work with the director to shape the film into its final form. When all is said and done post-production begins where composers create the score, sound effects technicians add any additional sounds to the film like foley, colorists grade the picture, editors complete their cuts and add in any visual effects that have been designed by visual effects supervisors. Actors then come back to do ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement), which is when they re-record any lines that may have been missed during filming. Learn how to do storyboarding as part of your film production.