
How to Make a Cartoon on the Computer the Old Fashioned Way

The most important thing when applying for roles in storyboard artist film is to demonstrate good drawing skills. Animation is ingrained in modern culture and media very deeply. Few children from anywhere in the world do not spend their formative years being entertained and often inspired by the animated motion pictures and television shows that dominate the screens of the 21st century.

What started as a curious experiment by the likes of Fleischer and Disney has now become an expansive industry that not only shapes the art of entertainment, but has also contributed to the advancement of seemingly unrelated fields of science! Few people can honestly say that at some point in their youth, they did not want to try to make a cartoon. For a long time, even if we had the artistic merit to pull it off visually, this was something that would be a pipe dream for most.

That was, before the digital age took full root in society. Computers have changed a lot about how we do things, and they have also brought the power to accomplish great and beautiful works to our hands. Now, it is very easy to learn how to make a cartoon animation on the computer. It is so easy in fact, that we’re presented with a veritable cornucopia of choices in how we want to go about it.

But, let’s look at a more conventional way to animate, especially for those of us who still feel at home with pens and paper, rather than vectors and inverse kinematics. Animation has for the longest time been the art of taking a series of sequential sketches, painting over them with transparent cells, and photo-implementing them against backgrounds.

This used to involve lots of expensive resources and equipment, fail to mention teams of specialists to operate the processes. Now, a single multi-talented individual can do this very easily. First, it’s a good idea to storyboard your animation. This is done in a style similar to a comic strip, but each panel being what is known as a “key frame”. These key frames are examples of distinct poses within the animation, between which a smooth series of animations should transition.

Upon designing your key frames, it is best to use thin, non-pulp paper to create your animations. Determine how many frames are between each key frame, and stack your key frames, from the bottom up, with the corresponding amount of blank paper between them. Now, begin tracing your key frame, making minor changes for a frame of movement. When you get to the next frame, trace the previous one, making further changes.

If you’ve done it right, by the time you hit another key frame, you should have a perfectly smooth transition from the last. This takes time, so be patient, relax, and be precise. Use heavy ink lines, bearing in mind what your next step will be.

Once you have your inked (or pencil if you prefer) animation frames completed, you should scan them, using a common naming convention like “frame01” etc. to preserve order in your files. Be sure to scan them all at the same DPI and dimension!

Now, you want to color your animations, and omit the paper backdrop, right? You can do this with Photoshop. Open an image, and use the magic wand tool to select the ink lines themselves. Adjust its tolerance until it gets all of it. Now, copy it, and paste it in a new payer. Delete the original layer.

Uh oh, the inks are jagged now, aren’t they? To solve this, select the layer, and go into channels, and create a new layer. Fill it with white, and a white version of the jagged inks will appear. Now, go to effects, and do a Gaussian blur of less than one percent. Then, adjust the levels until the inks smooth out. Copy this channel layer, go back to your normal layers, and just fill it with black.

Now your inks are beautiful, and over a transparency. You are now free to color your cell as you see fit.

Having made your backgrounds beforehand, you have choices in what you assemble your animations with. The easiest one is Flash, which can import your images in series, if you remembered to always save your scans and colored finals with a sequential name system. Once in flash, you can position the backdrop in a layer beneath the animation cells, and export the movie. It will export as Quicktime. You can use any number of free programs to convert it to any number of formats from this point.

This animation method is not for the impatient or easily tired. It takes hours of drawing, scanning, tweaking and coloring just to get a few minutes of animation. This is why this method is expensive and used less often as the years go by. Other forms such as 3D animation and vector/skeletal animation are faster and far less tedious… but for that organic look and classic, timeless feel… nothing beats the old ways!

It’s Fab Cartoon’s hobby to draw, scribble and also create digital art, mostly in cartoon form. In his blog [], he shares this passion and introduces the topic to other hobby animators. Read more him at

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Best Way to Study for Online College Courses

International childcare college has evolved after many years to be a modern business whose focus is to ensure the services provided to students, early childhood services and other training organisations is of an exceptionally high standard. One of the reasons that students take online classes is because it allows them to have a flexible schedule that fits around their job, family, and social life. The problem that many students taking online classes run into is that they fail to schedule the necessary amount of time that is required to successfully complete their online courses. At the last minute, students find themselves searching frantically for the correct answers and doing the minimal amount of work required just to get the assignment in on time.

View and Rearrange the Course Calendar/Syllabus Due Dates

Whether or not you are taking a self-paced online course, or an on online course with deadlines – the very first thing you should do is download the course calendar, syllabus, and/or class schedule. First, I am going to over how to develop a schedule for courses with due dates and deadlines, followed by instructions on how to develop a schedule for a self-paced distance-learning program or class.

If the course has deadlines for each assignment on a separate calendar write or type the due dates in bold red ink.

Next, for the exact same assignments give yourself a new due date 7-10 days prior in bold green ink. This is the due date that you are going to aim for. Even if you cannot submit the assignment yet, save it on your computer or flash drive. In the event of an emergency, say for example you have to work overtime, or your baby has a fever, or relatives visit un-expectantly; you have given yourself a little cushion that will still give you enough time to submit the assignments in on time.

Never Aim to submit your exams and assignments in exactly on the date that they are due. This is recipe for failure in an online learning environment. Assignments usually take longer than expected to complete. If you have problems with your internet or glitches with your computer software you won’t have an adequate amount of time to complete your assignments. Additionally, if you need help from the professor, it may take a few days before he or she is able to get back to you.

If you are taking a self-paced online distance-learning program or course, you need to download or create a one-year calendar. Think about when you would like to graduate. Six months. One Year. Two Years. Look at how many courses you have. If it is a subject that you excel naturally in-give yourself one month to complete each class. If it is a course that you can do well in under most circumstances give yourself a month and a half. If it is a topic that you struggle with, even with tutoring and support give yourself 2 months or more to complete that course.

Map out all of your courses on your calendar. Realistically, look at the data. You may find that you need to adjust the time to which you expect to graduate. On the other hand, you may find that you are able to graduate sooner than expected.

Remember earning a degree online requires you to be extraordinarily disciplined and organized. Plan your work and work your plan.

Developing an academic graduation plan, will give you confidence in your ability to be a self-starter, take initiative, and excellent organizational skills. These are traits that all employers find valuable-and if you plan to own your own business or write a book-without these skills it is nearly impossible to be successful.

Develop a Study Schedule

The universe has order. The sun rises in the East sets in the West-not anywhere it feels like it. Babies, butterflies, and bull-frogs all develop in predictable stages. Online courses give students the illusion of flexibility and freedom-but this is only true to a certain degree. In order to do well in any academic setting-every student should have a study schedule that he or she adheres to religiously. Period. No excuses. You should set aside 10 to 15 hours per week just for school. Dedicated students always, always, always have homework. You can read a head. Write the first draft outline for your paper.

Know what time of the day you learn best

A dedicated study schedule is the key to academic success. When you are scheduling a study schedule, please keep in mind the optimal time to study based on how your brain learns best. Some people need to study in the morning when their brain is fresh from somber. Others study best in the wee hours of the morning when everyone is asleep and the house is quiet. I have figured out that I learn technical data and research oriented type information best in the morning. When I am required to do creative writing and applications of the subject matter, I work best after 2 am in the morning when my muses come out to play.

One of things that I learned about how I study best is that I needed 2 hours to blow off steam before my brain could focus. I have always worked and gone to school at the same time. I realized that after leaving work I needed to unwind first. I needed to take a nap in the library for 1 hour. After I awakened from my nap, I needed time to eat a snack while reading magazines and books unrelated to school. By this time, my peach tea would have cooled off and I would be ready to study.

Always Study Your Most Difficult Subject First

You should always study your most difficult topic first when your brain is fresh. Additionally, it is psychologically rewarding to know that you are working your way towards your easiest subject. One trick I learned about studying difficult topics is to find books for elementary and middle school students that cover that subject. I have never been a big fan of math, so I always looked for rudimentary books for elementary and middle school students. The math books for younger students never failed to explain the same mathematical concepts in a more fun and interesting way that was much easier to understand.

Find Additional Learning Resources

Find credible YouTube videos and TED Talks that explain the subject in a different way. Bookmark additional articles and e-books about your topic. Search for websites and blogs from people who are actually “doing” what you are learning. You will gain insight into the topic that is richer and more meaningful than from someone who is just teaching or writing about the topic.

Dr. Cassandra George Sturges is the president and founder of Authentik Beauty University online degree programs. Authentik Beauty University is a distance learning, self-paced, online, certificate, associates, bachelors, masters, and doctoral/PhD degree program in Personal Growth and Development and self-publishing a book e-course. ABU offers affordable, inexpensive, cheap online college courses and programs that enrich your life experience degrees.

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Educate, Empower, and Inspire Women with self-knowledge, spiritual tools, and practical skills that will enable them to create an authentic life of self-love, prosperity, and blissful joy that allows them to awaken to the Reality of their Dreams.

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Powermoves Pilates

Pilates instructor course provide an innovative mind-body exercise developed by Joseph Pilates as early as the 1920s. Blending eastern exercise philosophies with western fitness science, Pilates is a holistic discipline that improves physiological fitness, and enhances psychological wellness. It combines the mental focus and specific breathing of yoga and Chinese martial arts with the physicality of gymnastics and other sports movements into an entirely new training regime that accentuates controlled grace in power and flowing beauty in movement. Some have described Pilates as “the wave of the future, combining the allure of rebalancing your mind as you fine-tune from head to toe…”

Celebrities are falling head over heels crazy for Pilates… with a strong following from the likes of Madonna, Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Sandra Bullock, Gwenyth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Uma Thurman, Kate Hudson, Joan Collins, Jamie Lee Curtis, Elizabeth Hurley, Hugh Grant, Reese Witherspoon, Pippa Middleton.. because Pilates works!

Pilates dramatically transforms the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength without excess bulk, creating a more toned body, slender thighs and waist, and a flatter stomach. The focus on proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth flowing movement help create better awareness of your body.

Pilates is a gentle, low impact exercise routine that strengthens the back and spine, and yet allows a challenging workout. It is popular with pre- and post-natal women. Pilates is so safe, directed and controlled that it is often recommended by chiropractors for the rehabilitation of body joint injuries and by orthopaedists for the treatment of muscle imbalances surrounding the spine.

Dancers appreciate it for the flexibility and agility it develops. Sports persons use it to build strength and endurance. Celebrities and models find that it helps them to maintain their beautiful physique. More than these, Pilates is a refreshing mind-body exercise that relieves stress and anxiety.

Working out in the Pilates method over a period of time will increase your lean muscle mass which helps your body burn more calories, even while you are at rest. As your body is strengthened and lengthened through Pilates, you will find your muscles appear more defined and sculpted in your arms and in your legs.

Through constant emphasis on the engagement of your powerhouse, you will find yourself achieving a smaller waistline, flatter abs and a strong core which helps to protect your back and your spine. Your overall muscle tone will increase, you will feel firmer and fitter, and you will stand taller and with more confidence and poise.

If you are overweight, you will need to combine Pilates with a healthy, low-calorie diet and some cardiovascular exercise to reduce your body fat. Pilates sessions are not sufficiently cardiovascular to achieve significant weight loss except at its more advanced levels.

Alternate your Pilates sessions with a cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking, swimming or dance. Learn to make intelligent food choices. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits, eat more lean meat, fish and tofu for your dose of protein, and reduce your portions of carbohydrates.

Through Pilates, all these benefits can be yours: Enhanced flexibility and coordination; Increased strength and endurance; Improved posture and balance; Lessened aches and pains; Rehabilitation after surgery/injury; More bone and muscle mass; Low-impact pre-natal & post-menopausal exercise; Better circulation and breathing; Toned and sculpted body; Enriched sense of wellness and well-being.